Student Bursary Awards

Queen Alexandra Charity has a small, annual allocation of bursary money that can be used to support any learner at the college experiencing financial hardship. Our aim is to support learners who might otherwise be financially disadvantaged from accessing their learning at QAC.  Bursary money can be allocated as either payment ‘in kind’ towards transport costs, meal costs ('School Pay' system) and/or learning materials or, as a termly payment made directly to the student via BACS. Most of the Bursary allocation goes towards supporting increasing transport and meal costs for students and families.

There are specific 'government set' criteria to meet to be eligible for a bursary award.  Please consider the information below carefully before deciding whether to apply.

Bursary details

1. Enhanced bursary award - this is only available if a young person meets the following government set criteria: 

Is aged 16 or over and under the age of 19 on the 31st August in the year that they commenced learning.

Any 1 (or more) of the following:

  • Is in care
  • Is a care leaver
  • Receives Income Support (IS) or Universal Credit (UC) in a place of Income Support in their own name
  • Receives Employment Support Allowance (ESA) or Universal Credit and Disability Living Allowance (DLA) or Personal Independence Payments in their own name

2. Discretionary award

A learner MUST be 16 or over and under the age of 24 on the 31st August in the year that they commenced learning. 

  • A learner who does not meet the ‘Enhanced Bursary Award’ criteria but who does come from a lower household income bracket proven to be less than £25,000 per year (evidence is required to be submitted as proof at the time of application)

If you believe you might be eligible for one of these bursaries:

  1. Please complete the online application form* as soon as possible.
  2. To submit supporting financial evidence, you will need to post these to QAC (49 Court Oak Road, Harborne, Birmingham, B17 9TG for the attention of Emily Bilsborough - Bursary Co-Ordinator)
  3. If you would prefer to hand these documents in person, please bring them to reception for the attention of Emily Bilsborough. We will then make a copy and hand these back as soon as possible.
  4. If you are unable to complete the form online, please contact who will do their best to support you.

*The link to the online application form has been emailed out to parents/carers of our students.

If you have any specific questions or concerns regarding the Bursary or completing the forms, please email QAC using the Bursary email address provided.   

All applications and supporting evidence must be submitted to QAC by midday on Friday 21st October 2022. This is a strict deadline and extensions are not given.