Queen Alexandra Charity - Policies and Procedures
As you would expect, the charity has numerous policies and procedures for maintaining effective, legal and safe practices. We can share information with you regarding our QAC policies and procedures to help you better understand how QAC operates. Hopefully the website will give you a good idea of the QAC experience but please do ask if you can't find what you need.
Below are the details of procedures and policies that we feel may be of interest to you, but if you are looking for something specific, please do not hesitate to contact us at info@qac.ac.uk.
External Complaints
We very much hope you never need to complain about QAC and we welcome open communication to resolve issues before they become problems. However, our external complaints procedure is below for your information. This is called the External Complaints procedure and is for anyone who is not a student, client or member of staff to use.
Whistle Blowing Policy (internal and external)
QAC recognises that sometimes an issue needs to be raised in an anonymous manner which can can be for many and various reasons. Although we hope you never require to use this method because you can talk to someone directly, we do welcome concerns raised this way rather than not knowing. Such alerts to concerns can often help to maintain the very best of practices within the QAC organisation. Please see the policy attached below.
QAC can transcribe information to meet your needs so should you need one of the reports and policies below produced in an alternative format please email info@qac.ac.uk.
The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and Publication Scheme
The Act
The Freedom of Information Act 2000 is designed to establish a culture of openness and transparency in public administration. It gives a general right of access to all types of recorded information held by public authorities, sets out exemptions from that right and places a number of obligations on public authorities. A ‘public authority’ is defined in the Act, and includes colleges. Every public authority must publish a scheme listing all the classes of information it makes available to the public.
Any person who makes a request to a public authority for information must normally be informed whether it holds that information and, subject to exemptions, be supplied with that information (a fee may be charged). The legislation also established the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) with responsibility for ensuring compliance with the requirements of the Act. Individuals already have the right of access to information about themselves under the Data Protection Act 1998. As far as public authorities are concerned, the Freedom of Information Act extends this right to allow public access to all types of information held.
The Publication Scheme
In line with the Freedom of Information Act 2000, QAC is committed to making information about the College and its work available to the public. It has adopted the Model Publication Scheme and Definition Document for Colleges of Further Education provided by the ICO.
To request information please contact the College’s Information Officer:
Emma Bryan, Director of Finance & Resources
Queen Alexandra Charity, Queen Alexandra College, Court Oak Road, Harborne, Birmingham B17 9TG