Students take part in Dame Kelly Holmes Trust "On Track to Achieve" programme
Some of our students have been taking part in the Dame Kelly Holmes Trust "On Track to Achieve" programme and as part of this have worked on social action projects to raise awareness/money for a social issue that is important to them.
One of the groups chose homelessness as the issue they wanted to address, organising a clothing collection across College. They did extremely well, collecting over 20 black bags of clothes, plus bags of shoes, trainers and other essentials.

They wanted to support local charities Let's Feed Brum and Achieve the Incredible, so invited their mentor Anna Turney as well as Lucy and Angela from the above charities in to College to accept the large donation - good job they brought a big car with them!

Sian, Lisa and Sadiq from the group spoke about their project and what they did, with Lucy and Angela speaking of the difference it will make. Well done guys, and thank you to everyone who donated!