Supported Intern completes placement at the National SEA LIFE Centre Birmingham
Earlier in the year, QAC student Charlotte completed a successful work placement at the National SEA LIFE Centre Birmingham as part of her Supported Internship programme.

During the placement, Charlotte was paired up with a member of staff and given a range of exciting tasks to complete, including feeding some of the fish, assisting visitors viewing the Starfish in the rock pool and showing them a large snail at the Ranger Station.
Charlotte commented: "I absolutely loved my placement at the National SEA LIFE Centre Birmingham, I really enjoyed feeding the fish and learning more about them!"

Based at Pinewood Campus, the College's Supported Internship programme is designed to help prepare students for voluntary or paid employment, and support is tailored to meet individual needs, whilst providing valuable experience with an employer. Charlotte has always had a passion for working with animals, and the placement offered her a fantastic opportunity to develop her work skills and confidence, as well as start thinking about her next steps and future job opportunities.
The National SEA LIFE Centre Birmingham opened in 1996, and boasts an ocean tank of a million litres which houses over 2,000 creatures, attracting hundreds of thousands of visitors each year.